RAC UK Phone Number 0330 159 1111

The helpline number shown above has been taken directly from the Customer Service website. Which can be found here.. Simply call to go through to the department.

 customer service helpline number
Industry Roadside Breakdown & Recovery
Best calling hours Mon-Fri
09:00-18:00 GMT
Main Address
Breakdown Customer Care
RAC Motoring Services
Great Park Road
Bradley Stoke
BS32 4QN

RAC is a British automobile services company that was founded in 1978 and is currently headquartered in Walsall, West Midlands. The company’s primary services include roadside assistance and insurance. RAC products and services are made available to both personal and business customers, who can reach the company by phoning 0330 159 1111

RAC is owned by the Carlyle Group and currently employs over 3,700 individuals.

In addition to breakdown cover and car insurance, RAC provides a number of additional products and services such as driving products, travel services, car parts, business fleet insurance, accident care, route planning, and more.

RAC customer service hours are as follows:

  • General Enquiries: Monday – Friday 8am to 8:30pm, Saturday 9am to 6pm
  • General Claims: Monday -Friday 8am to 8pm, Saturday 9am to 12pm
  • Travel Insurance: Monday to Friday 9am – 8pm, Saturday 9am – 5pm
  • Home Emergency/Breakdown/Car Accident Claims: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

The general contact number 0330 159 1111
(charges will apply) can be used to connect to any RAC support services. This number may also be used to receive price quotes that are based upon your automobile and specific product needs. Pricing for used automobiles, batteries, parts, accessories, and tyres is also available. There are currently over 90,000 used cars listed for sale from approved dealers on the RAC website, many of which come with warranties. These can be purchased either with or without any additional services.

Contact a RAC customer service agent for any questions related to account creation, billing, claims submissions, products, or special offers such as their Rewards Card which allows card holders to earn 3% to 15% cash back on many purchases. Technical support may also be contacted should you experience any problems with the RAC website. Simply ring. 0330 159 1111

to be connected with someone who can answer questions and provide guidance in relation to all of RAC’s product and service offerings.