First Direct Customer Services 0345 600 2424

The helpline number shown above has been taken directly from the Customer Service website. Which can be found here.. Simply call to go through to the department.

 customer service helpline number
Industry Internet/Telephone based UK Retail Bank
Best calling hours Mon-Fri
09:00-18:00 GMT
Main Address
Contact Address
40 Wakefield Road
LS98 1FD

New and existing customers can contact First Direct on their national customer service phone number for advice regarding mortgages, credit cards and all general enquiries.

HSBC First Direct offices

First Direct is a British online-only division of HSBC – it exclusively conducts its banking and finance business online (via internet and telephone).

One of the first ‘remote bank’ operations, having opened its doors in the late 1980s, First Direct has become one of the best known non-branch operating banks in the UK. To date it has over one million customers, making it among the most prolific of the more modern banking operations. In 1999, it led the market in introducing mobile SMS alerts to its customers.

With positive revenues, an established customer base plus a sizeable number of innovations under its belt, First Direct’s position in 21st Century banking looks secure.

Contact Numbers

Main switchboard:

0345 600 2424