Nationwide Contact Number UK 0345 266 08 94

The helpline number shown above has been taken directly from the Customer Service website. Which can be found here.. Simply call to go through to the department.

 customer service helpline number
Industry UK Building Society
Best calling hours Mon-Fri
09:00-18:00 GMT
Main Address
The Complaints Team
Nationwide Building Society
NW 2020
SN38 1NW

Nationwide Customer Service Contact Number 0800 302011

Call the Nationwide customer services department by dialing

0800 302011

This is a direct dial number that is available to be called seven days a week.
The customer services teams at banks and building societies have to make sure that they offer the highest level of service possible. The public demands a very specific level of service when it comes to companies dealing with their money, it is somewhat of a personal preference and the repercussions that are felt if something goes wrong are perilous: for the customer and the company. The Nationwide customer care team are dedicated to offering the highest level of service they can – a prime example of the service they offer is that they have been established since 1884. Banks> interaction with customers has developed immensely over the years since Nationwide were first established and this demonstrates their ability to develop and remain contemporary and relevant in an ever-changing society. Part of this means offering customer service that is designed for the modern era, the Nationwide website has all of the information necessary for customers to receive the support they require through different formats.

Nationwide Customer Services

0800 302011

Nationwide Customer Service Contact Number 0844 381 5194


Nationwide customer services comes in the form of emails, over the telephone and live chat scenarios. Every team member is dedicated to offering the highest level of service they can and therefore whether they are emailing the customer or speaking with them on the phone, the standard is exactly the same. As if this wasn’t enough, Nationwide also populate their website with a host of information that customers can access 24/7 without having to incur the costs of calling the Nationwide customer number. When the Nationwide customer care line is dialed, the caller will initially hear an automated menu that allows the caller to direct themselves through to the most appropriate division for their enquiry. This means Nationwide are able to train their staff to each individual division and enhance their customer service even more.The nationwide insurance customer service number that is listed here is available to be contacted throughout the working week. Their telephone lines are unavailable on Sundays but other than that it is possible to speak with a member of the Nationwide customer services team whenever it is most convenient to you.

Nationwide Contact Number

0800 302011


For more information on any of the products and services offered by Nationwide you can visit their website and either read all of the information detailed there or use the internet based forms of communication to speak with a member of the customer care team. The “frequently asked questions” pages are particularly useful for those problems that you suspect might not be unique to yourself. nationwide bank customer service at its best: there is no need to even speak with a member of the team, you are able to simply receive all the advice you need from reading the website.When you call the Nationwide contact number the bill payer should give their advice to the caller and make sure that they are aware of the charges that are connected to calling nationwide customer service number

0800 302011