Groupon Customer Services 0203 808 4223

The helpline number shown above has been taken directly from the Customer Service website. Which can be found here.. Simply call to go through to the department.

 customer service helpline number
Industry Electronic Voucher, Coupon & Discount Marketplace
Best calling hours Mon-Fri
09:00-18:00 GMT
Main Address
Groupon Head Office
1 Swan Lane

The Groupon Contact Number is 0203 808 4223 You will be able to have almost any matter dealt with by the company by calling this line, including cancellations, complaints and refunds. The call centre staff are able to deal with all of these matters with effectiveness and efficiency according to independent consumer review websites.

Queries can be sent by e mail to, or by clicking on this link to take you to the Groupon Customer Support page. The Groupon customer service number 0203 808 4223 is open Monday to Friday 8 am to 8 pm. Lots of information about Groupon is available online, or you may find your query is answered here.

What is Groupon and why are there lots of different deals on Groupon? is a service of MyCityDeal Limited (trading as Groupon). Groupon uses ‘collective buying power’ to get money saving deals on products, services, holidays and days out: they work to get businesses as many customers as possible by getting discounts and advertising them on their website.

When you visit the Groupon website, you will see money saving offers which are updated daily. As well as products, you can get deals on holidays and short breaks, get restaurant deals, bar and café vouchers, Groupon shopping vouchers, online shopping vouchers; festival tickets, tickets to sports events, concert tickets; healthcare, wellness and beauty vouchers, leisure vouchers and more.

These are offered by Merchants (a third party seller) or by the Groupon Shop, who are a subsidiary company of Groupon UK and a separate company. More information on the product or service offered can be found by clicking on the Merchant’s own website or by telephoning the Groupon Telephone number, if your query is not answered here.

How do I buy a product or service that I have seen on the Groupon website?

Groupon customer services numberThe product or service is bought by purchasing a voucher from Groupon. You must register with Groupon to make a purchase, then you can print your voucher as well view your past purchases, store any credit and modify your personal preferences. You will need to supply personal details including your name, postcode and e mail address, and you will then be allocated a password for your Groupon account.

The Merchant (third party seller of the goods or services described on the voucher) is responsible for the product or service you purchase, not Groupon UK, but use the Groupon Customer service number if you want to discuss this further.

How do I contact Groupon if I want a refund or if I’m not happy?

If you change your mind, the transaction can be cancelled at any time within 7 working days from the day after the day that you first receive the voucher, as long as you have not redeemed the voucher. Send an email to, call the Groupon Telephone Number on or write to:

Groupon head office1 Swan Lane,LondonEC4R 3TN

Groupon customer servicePlease have your voucher’s security code ready when you call so that a customer service adviser can assist you with your query more quickly.

0203 808 4223 Groupon will return the purchase price of your Groupon either as cash or as a Groupon UK credit if your Groupon experience lets you down. Telephone the Groupon Contact Number  for more information.

All of the above information and a full list of all Groupon Contact Number and postal addresses can be found freely within the Public Domain.