The helpline number shown above has been taken directly from the Customer Service website. Which can be found here.. Simply call to go through to the department.

 customer service helpline number
Industry Delivery Courier Service
Best calling hours Mon-Fri
09:00-18:00 GMT
Main Address
UPS House
Forest Road
TW13 7DY

Our UPS contact number will direct you straight through to the UPS main enquiry line. Their customer service team will gladly assist you with your enquiry on number 0844 330 4798

As one of the leading delivery companies in the country, their phone agents are trained to deal in almost many matter – including parcel delivery queries, complaints and refunds.

How can I track the current location of my UPS package?

Each UPS has its own unique tracking number. This tracking number is used to track the package as it moves through each stage of the UPS system. You can track your package at any point from when it is first sent through to its final delivery destination. The tracking number is a automatically assigned when the shipment is created.

UPS customer services opening times

To find out where you UPS package currently is you can call the UPS customer service phone number 03457 877 877. The UPS call center is open Monday to Friday between 8am and 8pm. It is also open on Saturday between 8am and 12.30pm.

Alternative ways to contact UPS

If the UPS Contact Number is unavailable you can track your package by visiting the UPS website, click here. On the left hand side of the screen is a field where you can track up 25 tracking numbers. Simply enter the tracking number of the package that you are interested in and click on the blue “Track” button.

How can I calculate the time and cost for a UPS package?

One of the easiest ways to calculate the time and cost for a specific package is to visit the UPS website by clicking here. There you will need to enter the details of your shipment in the fields on the left hand side of the screen. You will need to enter the location that you are shipping from and the location that you are shipping to.

You will also need the size and weight of the package that you want to ship. If you have difficulties calculating the cost you can call the UPS contact phone number. 03457 877 877 They are available Monday to Friday between 8am and 8pm and Saturday from 8am to 12.30pm.

What phone number should I call for billing and payment enquiries?

If you have any questions relating to billing or payment you should call the UPS phone number for billing. If the UPS contact number for billing enquiries is unavailable you can visit the UPS payment web page by clicking here. On the right hand side of the screen select the UPS Billing Center link. You will then need to provide your UPS user ID and password.

What’s the UPS Postal Address?

UPS numberIf you need to send in a formal complaint about UPS, it is best to do so by contacting the UP head office address. You can post in your issues to the following address:

UPS HouseForest Road,Feltham,Middlesex,TW13 7DY

All of the above information and a full list of all UPS Contact Numbers and postal addresses can be found freely within the Public Domain.