Redbridge Boundry Breach and Land ownership.

The helpline number shown above has been taken directly from the Customer Service website. Which can be found here.. Simply call to go through to the department.

 customer service helpline number
Industry Redbridge Council Planning - Report a Boundry Infringement
Best calling hours Mon-Fri
09:00-18:00 GMT
Main Address
Lynton House
255 - 259 High Road

Report a direct neighbourly infringement:

Have you had a neighbour that has built a fence, hedge or wall that has infringed upon you land? If so..

  • Note down dates of when activities or building work started and how unwarranted land has been gained by the offending party.
  • Get the full address for the site where the development is taking place
  • Gather the names of any tradesmen such as contractors, builders (if known).
  • Take photographs when ever possible even after the infringement act.

The ways property fraudsters are undermining the Redbridge local authority.

From past records we have noted below a number of ways property fraudsters are illegally obtaining unwarranted land.

  • Changing the boundary of a property line during the ‘For Sale’ time period hence the new owner is none the wiser to the boundary change.
  • Changing a boundary of a property line during a change or transition of a council tenant. (Mostly occurring on Council Houses) Again, the new resident is none the wiser to the boundary change.
  • The affected party can either be debilitated in some way whether they are.
    • Elderly
    • Disabled
    • Hard of Sight or Hearing
    • Mentally impaired

Housing fraudsters also affects the London Borough of Redbridge itself with revenue loss at the council / tax payers expense.

Reporting an indirect third party boundary infringement:

Are you witness to boundary line being abused within the London borough of Redbridge? Such as one of the situations mentioned above or even ones not listed here?
If so please contact our helpline below. 020 8708 4002

Or you can email us

When calling the Redbridge local authority it is the housing officers primary concern to protect revenue of all land that resides within the London Borough of Redbridge.
If you have witnessed any land fraud, even if it doesn’t directly affect you or your property we encourage you to talk to our team and make a report.

Reports can be made at your discretion with out without with your contact details, however the report must have adequate details from the offending party given for the Redbridge housing officers to take the matter into consideration.

Common Illegal Builds & Contraventions:

  • Moving of fences from the incorrect boundary line.
  • Erections of walls and fences over 6ft tall without planning permission
  • Hard standing building works in conservation areas or building works on or near listed buildings.
  • Tree preservation rules being breached and illegal tree felling.


If you are on good terms with your neighbour and consider them trustworthy and that they may have unwittingly installed a boundary breaching structure that was built on your land, It is advisable to speak to your neighbour and ask them if the breach was their intention and if they can reposition the fence to the correct place.

Not all of us have civil talkative neighbours in which case, contacting the local authority is the best option.
However if your neighbour has reached out to you it is advisable to keep tensions low by talking things out if possible.

If you really can’t see eye to eye on the matter, mediation services could be a good place to go as they’re cheaper than court costs.

Can I remove the fence?

If the encroachment is on your land you are well within your rights to remove the said intrusion.

It is advisable to take a photo of the property down the property line looking towards the home before, during & after the removal of any fence or wall as this will clearly depict where the boundary breach is occurring.

If you don’t want to be so hands on when it comes to defense, The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors offers a objection service allowing you to carry out disputes about boundary lines and related issues.