
The helpline number shown above has been taken directly from the Customer Service website. Which can be found here.. Simply call to go through to the department.

 customer service helpline number
Industry Worldwide Online Electronic Payments
Best calling hours Mon-Fri
09:00-18:00 GMT
Main Address
PayPal Europe Ltd
Hotham House
1 Heron Square
Richmond upon Thames

PayPal Contact NumberPayPal is the traditional online payment facility that allows anyone with an email and bank account to send and receive money, from anywhere in the world. It works seamlessly with the customer’s existing credit card and bank account. The PayPal contact number offers an easy way for customers to contact customer support.

0800 358 7911

PayPal is an e-commerce website, but Paypal helpline makes it possible for customers to speak to a customer service agent over the phone. PayPal customer service agents are available over the phone between 6 am and 10 pm Mondays through Fridays, 8 am to 10 pm on Saturdays, and 9 am to 10 pm on Sundays. Contacting PayPal customer service over the phone is useful for immediate response and speedy resolution of issues.

It is necessary to provide the customer support agent with the last four digit or the credit card or bank account registered with PayPal, and also the registered telephone number, and email address, to discuss account specific information. 

Issues Handled by PayPal Customer Support

The major topics handled by PayPal customer support may be grouped into account related information, issues related to payments and money, payment disputes, security issues, and trading issues.

The most common reasons customers contact PayPal customer support for account related issues include queries on how to open or close an account and information of various accounts and account limits. Customers also contact PayPal customer support for common problems while operating their account.

PayPal Contact NumberSuch issues relate to verification of the account, removing account limits, adding or changing bank accounts and credit cards, resetting passwords, unlocking a blocked account, and more. The single biggest operational issue for which customers contact PayPal customer support is however for clarification on various ways to send and receive money. Individual transaction issues, such as expected money not credited to the account also flare up regularly. 

0800 358 7911

Many customers also use the PayPal phone number to raise various disputes and claims. The common questions customers have in this regards are how to make a complaint or lodge a claim, how to send documents to substantiate the claim, information on making chargebacks, and related information. With cyber crimes and frauds at an all-time high, many people also use the PayPal phone number to understand the various security safeguards inbuilt to the account, and buyer and seller protection measures in place.

0800 358 7911
PayPal offers a host of seller tools. Customers use PayPal helpline for information on such tools, and also information on how to link eBay and PayPal accounts. The PayPal contact number offers instant answers to all these questions and more.